Publication Ethics


The journal of IJoIRSET is published three times every year, in April, August and December, published by LP2STM PRESS, the Sekawan Teknocrat Mandiri Aceh Research and Development Institute. the journal of IJoIRSET publishes research papers covering the fields of Technology (Engineering), Science (MIPA), and Agro (Agriculture). Articles published in this journal are articles that will not be published elsewhere, except for abstracts, as study material, or research reports. Publication of articles in the journal of IJoIRSET uses English (Title and abstract in Indonesian and English) or completely in English.


The article sent by the author is a research report. Published articles are described in detail so they can be replicated in other settings. If necessary, the Editor will ask authors to send raw data. All quotations made by the author must be listed properly. Unpublished resources cannot be used as reference sources. Credit to all parties involved or funders must be listed as recognized or as contributors. Authors are strictly prohibited from plagiarizing other people's writing.  If there are things the author feels are errors in their writing after publication, they can contact the editor to discuss it.


Responsibility for selecting articles to be published rests with the Editor. In making decisions, editors must comply with editorial board policies and consider legal aspects, ethics that apply in society, as well as copyright and plagiarism considerations, without being limited by differences in authors. The editor must be able to maintain the confidentiality of the article, not use it for his own benefit, to ask for expert advice, other expert groups if there are problems that cannot be resolved. If there are objections from interested parties, the Editor must be responsive to immediately respond to the complaint even though publication has been carried out for a long time.


Reviewers are people selected by the editor according to their expertise. Reviewers may reject an editor's request if they do not understand the article being reviewed or it is inconsistent with their expertise. Reviewers can provide input about the articles being reviewed and help the Editor to make decisions about the articles being reviewed. After receiving and correcting the article from the reviewer the reviewer is required to maintain the confidentiality of the document. Reviewers should note citations by authors (written and references). In reviewing, reviewers may not use the text for personal gain without permission from the author. Reviewers should treat reviewed articles fairly.