Peer Review Process

All articles published in the IJoIRSET LP2STM Aceh Journal go through a single-blind review process. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least one reviewer. Apart from that, all manuscripts must be free from plagiarism. For this reason, authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software such as Plagiarims checker or Turnitin to check similarities. The permitted similarity is less than 20%.

Research articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by at least 1 (one) or more reviewers. Reviewers will provide comments and input of scientific value and improve the contents of the manuscript. Each reviewer is given two weeks to carry out the review. If within the specified time the reviewer does not respond, the review process will be replaced with another reviewer with the same qualifications.

The final decision on article acceptance will be made by the Editor based on recommendations from reviewers. Publication of accepted articles including the order of published articles will be carried out by the Editor-in-Chief.


Chief Editor of the IJoIRSET Journal