Online Submission

Writers who wish to submit their articles to the journal of IJoIRSET can choose to use two options:

  1. Pressing the Login button (for those who already have a username and password)
  2. Press the Register button for those who have not registered

Before submitting a manuscript, authors are required to ensure the following things.

  • The article has not been published before or has not been reviewed by another journal.
  • Files are written in the form of OpenOffice, Microsoft Word.
  • If available, the URL for the reference should be attached.
  • The format and writing style comply with the style requirements and rules outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Make sure the article uses the journal of IJoIRSET template which can be downloaded at Journal Templates.
  • A guide to Online Submission procedures for the journal of IJoIRSET can be seen in How to Submit OJS3.